by atis | Feb 2, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
The eighth lesson in Science is: “Be not deceived.” These are the words of Jesus. Spirit never deceives. Matter is the only deceiver. Matter makes up all appearances. Matter is formulated, as you know, by thoughts concerning a kind of God who never existed. The...
by atis | Feb 2, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
The seventh separate statement of Moses is, “Let the earth bring forth.” Earth here means mind. Let the mind bring forth. What can mind bring forth except thoughts? But Moses is talking entirely of the Divine Mind in man. It is not acknowledged by us as the only Mind...
by atis | Feb 2, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
It is said of a Western physician that he always spoke so encouragingly to his patients that every family liked to have him enter their house, because he radiated courage and buoyancy. He always told people nearest death that there was no reason why they should not...
by atis | Feb 2, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
There are three ways of dealing with the principles announced in Truth. There is the deep thinking which the mind exercises respecting them. There is the speaking them forth which we do not hesitate to do. There is the careful recording of them, which is writing down...
by atis | Jan 31, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
The words “Omnipresence”, “Omnipotence”, “Omniscience”, grant revealing. The dividing syllable “ni” between “Om” and “presence” means nothingness or absence, as explained in Lesson III. If a principle is nothing to us until we know it, this principle of the...
by atis | Jan 31, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
The text of the third lesson of Spiritual Science is, “God saw the light that it was Good.” God is Mind. Light is Wisdom. Mind perceives that Wisdom is Good. Mind understands the Good. You will perceive, as you go on thinking of first principles, that it is your...
by atis | Jan 31, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
If the statement of what is true from the very nature of our own mind is called to our attention, then we are able to see at once what is not true. Is there a conviction of Good belonging to you now in your own mind? That is an omnipresent conviction. Everything...
by atis | Jan 31, 2023 | Scientific Christian Mental Practice
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 2: 5 There are twelve doctrines of Jesus Christ. This is to say that the one method of Jesus Christ is presented in twelve statements or settings. A diamond has many polished facets and...