Ashtavakra Gita

Translated by John Henry Richards

Chapter 12

Janaka said: 

First of all I was averse to physical activity, then to lengthy speech, and finally to thought itself, which is why I am now established. 12.1 

In the absence of delight in sound and the other senses, and by the fact that I am myself not an object of the senses, my mind is focused and free from distraction — which is why I am now established. 12.2 

Owing to the distraction of such things as wrong identification, one is driven to strive for mental stillness. Recognising this pattern, I am now established. 12.3 

By relinquishing the sense of rejection and acceptance, and with pleasure and disappointment ceasing today, brahmin — I am now established. 12.4

Life in a community, then going beyond such a state, meditation and the elimination of mind-made objects — by means of these I have seen my error, and I am now established. 12.5

Just as the performance of actions is due to ignorance, so their abandonment is too. By fully recognising this truth, I am now established. 12.6

Trying to think the unthinkable, is doing something unnatural to thought. Abandoning such a practice therefore, I am now established. 12.7 

He who has achieved this has achieved the goal of life. He who is of such a nature has done what has to be done. 12.8